From secret Santa to office decorations, the team here at Flamingo Digital are getting involved in the Christmas spirit this year. Our seven-day-a-week service means we’re always ensuring our clients stay connected, whether you are at a Christmas party or out shopping. The Holidays shouldn’t stop your business from thriving and our service means it won’t.
The winter season can be a very stressful time, and our service can help you keep on top of your business whilst balancing all the festivities of Christmas. We are open for 12 hours every day from 7am to 7pm, helping us to make sure we never miss a call. We ensure your business is always operating even if you are putting your feet up on the sofa.

Answering calls can be very time-consuming during work hours, and our professional receptionists will allow you to focus on other matters. We collect all the information and queries from callers and forward them straight to you, ready for your response at a convenient time.
If you would like to try out our services, you can try out our free trial linked below
A note from this months Blog author Oscar,
My name is Oscar and I am the newest team member at Flamingo Digital. I am working as a virtual receptionist alongside completing my degree in journalism.
I was nervous on my first day as I had no previous experience working on the phone, but I quickly familiarised myself with the service Flamingo provides and I am now able to answer calls with confidence after 2 weeks on the job.
Flamingo are great to work for, as they make sure work never gets in the way of my studies. I work in the office on weekends, meaning I have plenty of time during the week to ensure I am up to date with my university work.
I have learnt so much in this short period of time regarding my communication skills and attitude. There is a large range of clients, meaning you have to be able to adapt and ensure you provide the correct service for every caller. I look forward to advancing my skills even further and becoming the best receptionist I can.